Behind-the-Scenes Miraclemaking
By Keith Varnum
How to Work Magic in Any Situation
Secret Skills to Create the Love and Job You Want
Align with the Universe to Activate Invisible Assistance
Ancient Ways to Grease the Works in All Areas of Life
“What did they just do?” I’ve found myself asking most of my life as I witnessed the marvels of powerful teachers, shaman and healers. “How’d they do that?”
I watched in amazement as Medicine Cloud, my Hopi medicine buddy, conjured up a drenching thunderstorm out of a totally blue sky to wash away the mud from the sacred red clay ritual he’d just performed on me. “Where did the pain and rash go so quickly, so completely? How could I feel so peaceful so fast when I was just so upset and depressed for a week?”
“How did St. Germain physically appear at the foot of my bed when the doors to my house and bedroom were locked tight?” I had to touch his robe every tenth visit to make sure the Ascended Master standing there was solid and real. “How did he know my deepest, most secret thoughts that I had never expressed to anyone?” I felt so vulnerable, yet safe; so naked, yet open—when he directed his eternal, yet personal wisdom to me. “Why did I feel so calm, clear and courageous in his presence?” The profound feeling of absolute connection and aliveness has remained with me ever since his visits. “How was he able to communicate with me without his mouth moving? How did he project scenes of my life on the wall?”
“What was Mr. Rogers’ secret?” He seemed so quiet, retiring, passive—and yet events always went his way at the television station where he produced “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood.” In his presence, rambunctious kids, wild animals and novice adult guests always seemed to know what to do and say without a script or rehearsal. At the station, the conservative Board of Directors, reluctant management and stubborn studio crew all miraculously went against character to go along with whatever bold, visionary schemes Mr. Rogers put forth. “How did he disarm people’s opposition and bring out the play and adventurousness in rigid parents, teachers, staff and city officials?”
The esteemed American actress Helen Hayes could convey with vivid clarity to her student audience and me seven very diverse characters she was portraying on stage without any discernable difference in the way she dressed, gestured or carried herself. “What were her hidden devices? What keys to successful communication had she mastered?”
My macrobiotic mentor, Michio Kushi, could take a very intellectual, spiritually challenged audience on a profoundly electric journey of personal visions, physical healing and visceral ecstasy. “How did he change lead into gold? What was he doing behind-the-scenes to catalyze such remarkably strong, experiential catharsis in each of the normally unfeeling, unresponsive students?”
“Why did my friends and I instinctively trust this mysterious Eastern teacher with our souls?” Muktananda was just some dark-skinned man from India we’d never heard of before this day. Our fears melted and our hearts opened to the Heavens with the sound of his laughter. Our inner beauty blossomed with the touch of his finger to our foreheads.
Jewish by birth, New Yorkish by nature, Lester Levenson looked like a cross between a mischievous 100-year-old leprechaun and a noble Native American Indian chief. He could charm the needles off a porcupine. And he would bring out more excitement, strength and insight from me in one day than I had encountered up to that time in my life. “What was his magic?”
What are the underlying dynamics at work here?
“How did all the shamans, acupuncturists, rebirthers, Reiki masters and other healers I’ve known pull off their miraculous cures?” In the aura and influence of powerful facilitators, I have witnessed many remarkable turnarounds in peoples’ physical conditions, mental attitudes and spiritual abilities. My whole life, I have asked Spirit the question, “How?”
When I observed my very first extraordinary phenomenon, I decided to find out what was behind this and other wondrous occurrences. I felt the only way for me to ever really know what was going on was to open to the same level of magic in my own life. This workshop is my sharing of 40 years of intensive, personal exploration and mastering of the alchemical power that is available to all of us. After some misses and many marvels, I can now articulate what I see as the common operating mechanisms behind the successful facilitation of human events.
Since we all have our own unique belief filters and terminology, the training will focus primarily on the experiential demonstration of how to influence extraordinary outcomes. Everyone will be encouraged to share and demonstrate her or his own personal, direct experience and expertise in Intentional Magic.
In the training, I share from my own personal experiments in influencing reality and the insights I’ve gained about how extraordinary events can be intentionally catalyzed. So far in my life, I’ve been able to:
Become invisible at will to ordinary humans
Condense and expand time by conscious design
Converse with Ascended Masters, angels and nature devas
Know the whole of my soul’s purpose since I left the Oneness
Assist my brother to own his power to heal himself of terminal cancer
Create weather conducive to our seminar work consistently for 40 years
Send & receive information, energy & compassion telepathically & vibrationally
Survive a 600-foot fall down a vertical cliff by surrendering myself to the situation
Enjoy vivid, physical re-experiencing of other lifetimes, past and future
Experience in detail the significant events that will be occurring in my future
Grow healthy vegetables & crops in the desert without the use of rain or watering
Heal a small child’s burned finger in a few moments by laying of hands
Seal my own deep-cut finger on the spot with no trace of injury afterwards
Participate in the complete restoration of a broken wrist with bones sticking out
Endure being possessed by a disincarnate spirit in order to help that soul
See and counsel hundreds of Revolutionary War ghosts to let go and move on
In the seminar, we won’t be focused on creating any of these specific phenomena per se. I list these examples to demonstrate the diversity of application for Energy Alchemy. We’ll zero in on discerning and mastering the underlying dynamics that contribute to all miraculous shifts, openings and breakthroughs.
Facilitating life in the direction you would like it to unfold is both a science and an art. We examine the systematic aspect of Miraclemaking. Then we expand our methodical approach to transformation until we embrace the realm of the spontaneous and spiritual. Here we open ourselves to the dominion of pure knowing and divine grace. Along the way, we begin to fully appreciate the power of aligning our intentions with Universal Design.
Click to read more about The Facilitator Training: