The Facilitator Training
Learn Clear, Effective Communication at Home & Work
Create More Harmonious Relations in Career & Family
Express Your Real Self with Joy and Ease
Whether you want to communicate more effectively for personal or professional reasons, the easy, dependable tools of this training empower you to effectively facilitate any presentation you undertake
A graduate of the University of Michigan Communications School, Keith Varnum demonstrates proven, systematic approaches for designing conducive formats, developing dynamic content and delivering profound effect in all forms of communication. Sharing from his thirty years experience as a successful seminar leader, public speaker, radio host, meditation instructor, healer, therapist, author filmmaker and business leader, Keith trains you to combine interactive, experiential facilitating with leading-edge coaching to achieve dramatic results with people on all levels simultaneously and therefore, lastingly.
Keith’s multi-sensory, inter-chakra model of presentation transforms every aspect of a person’s being in a coordinated and balanced way from the cellular and physical to the emotional and spiritual. These ancient, universal principles work magic on every stage of human endeavor, from the meeting room to the bedroom, from the office space to the healing place.
Learn by Doing – Practice not Theory
Empower yourself to make a great living out in the world sharing your unique gifts and talents with others. Practice the skills necessary to produce predictable, measurable results in all forms of communications.
- Interactive, performance-based format
- Individual and group exercise
- Supportive feedback in actual, real-life scenarios
- High-involvement, high-energy, high-content, personally tailored training
A Permanent, Multi-dimensional Training
- Learn to communicate soul to soul, bypassing the filters of the personality
- Utilize intuition to guide you through any challenges to the wisest strategy
- Invite the unexpected, surprise and serendipity when communicating
- Use the magic of music, sound, art and movement to enhance your presentation
- Employ the whole brain. The analytical organizes information. The intuitive retrieves all relevant data and experience.
Learn to Be a Shaman Facilitator
Keith combines modern communications science with time-tested indigenous techniques of tribal and ancient peoples. In the roots of shamanic culture, Keith Varnum has uncovered precepts and approaches that grow, re-spirit and empower individuals. The successful traditions of native peoples provide a model for maintaining an openness to the world of infinite possibility. One who masters the way energy flows, masters the flow of human interaction. Discover the power and peace in following the guidance of the River of Life. Learn to:
- Skillfully undermine the foundation of people’s outdated limitations
- See what’s going on behind-the-scenes, instead of on the surface
- Practice Natural Re-charging: tapping fresh energy available anytime, anywhere
- Facilitate people to respond to the present, not react to the past
- Use Personal Power Spots to peak your performance
- Co-deliver communications with assistance of your Spirit Guides
- Encourage, cajole and trick people to play outside the box
Master the Power of Intentional Magic
- Discover how clear intention handles all obstacles in so-called “objective reality”
- Consciously script how your presentation and event will unfold
- Learn to touch the world and your audience lightly, yet effectively
- Utilize the magic of fresh questions to yield new perspectives
- Ask questions the Mind never heard before and has no answer for
Facilitate Others by Transforming Yourself
- Use the “Reflective Mirror” of your audience to transform your shortcomings
- Focus on facilitation “within”—and powerful results happen “outside”
- Anchor in a real model of yourself when you’re performing at peak levels
- Use your natural creative tools: imagination, intuition and sensory signals
- Apply the power of what you’ve mastered in life to areas of lower performance
- Transform your weaknesses into strength
Think Fresh, Respond Fresh
- Operate from current input and inventiveness, not default programming
- Perfect your ability to read Synchronicity and use it to your advantage
- Utilize the art and science of improvisation, fast adjustment and rapid adaptation
- Learn how to freewheel, intuit on your feet, and wing it through any situation
- Practice shifting gears in technique, tone and topic quickly and gracefully
- Step outside boundaries of mainstream thinking to create magic and miracles
- Go beyond rearranging the already known options into new possibilities
- Develop Beginner’s Mind: search first for a new way to view the problem, instead of for a solution.
Foster the Tao of Leadership
Effective facilitators:
- Empower others to authentic self-expression and self-discovery
- Control the process, not the people
- Know people watch what you do, not what you say
- Are more interested in what’s right, than in being right
- Take advantage of Power Portals beneath the surface appearance of “problems”
- Add a high level of reality, intrigue and liveliness to sharing for optimal effect
- Invoke genuine humor, play and fun to keep things light, flowing and effective
- Use the energy of emotions to assist people to reach their true potential
- Apply the power of celebration to engender a sense of achievement
- Read people’s unconscious gestures, glances, facial expressions & vocal dynamics
Practice Active, Responsive Listening
- The nonverbal messages sent along with verbal communications
- What’s not being said, including messages people want to hide
- Unconscious gestures, glances, facial expressions and vocal dynamics
- The intent of the soul through the smokescreen of someone’s personality
Create with Conscious Language
- Uncover verbal and non-verbal self-sabotage
- Spot inconsistent messages you may be sending
- Match your “speaking” style with the “listening” style of your audience
- Use verbal & non-verbal communication to empower enlighten & educate people
- Speak the hidden language of tone, inflection, body position and movement
Practical Skills People Bring Back
- The ability to shift any situation anywhere… portable, on-the-job alchemy
- Development of your natural strengths in order to play bigger
- Expansion and contraction of time to facilitate peak performance
- Increased ability to show up with confidence, competence and compassion
- A fresh attitude of lightness and play
- Enhanced capacity to stay grounded, centered, and effective in all situations
- Capability to fuse a rich variety of presentation methods and materials
As a result of the training, you become:
- Responsive, resourceful, resilient and therefore, more reliable
- Intuitive, imaginative, inspired and therefore, more inventive
- Clear, calm, concise and therefore, more confident
- Flexible, fluid, flowing and therefore, more user-friendly
Click to read more about The Facilitator Training:
Behind-the-Scenes Miraclemaking
Contact Keith for Free Prosperity CD
800.736.7367 [email protected]