Inner Coach: Outer Power
Open a clear connection to your Inner Coach
Reclaim creative Power in your Outer world
New Revolutionary Techniques to access the wisdom
and magic of your Inner Coach
You possess amazing creative powers—to heal your body, expand your love and attract phenomenal abundance.
And you have a built-in, inner guidance system to unlock your natural gifts with ease and wisdom.
Develop Your Natural Spiritual Abilities
Accessing your innate spiritual powers is 10% technique and 90% attitude.
This workshop gives you the tools and consciousness (frame of mind) to activate your natural magic
A Workshop to Trigger the Memories of Your Own Paranormal Adventures
Dynamic tools designed to:
- pierce your veil of forgetfulness
- uncover the treasures of your own buried past
- reveal to you the exciting, lost adventures of your soul!
We have assembled some of the most powerful transformational tools available currently on the planet.
Exact Technology to get real answers to life’s most important questions:
- Who am I?
- Why am I here?
- What is the meaning of life?
- What is my destiny?
- What special contributions do I have to offer?
You deserve answers—
- Wisdom that satisfies.
- Knowing that explains.
- Direct connection that comforts.
Remember how to:
- Talk to nonphysical teachers
- Relive other lifetimes
- Use your multisensory perception
- Open to spontaneous healing
- Travel out-of-body
- Experience miracles
Uncover the truth about:
- Levitation
- Time travel
- Near-death experience
- Extraterrestrials
- Parallel realities
- Soul-to-soul telepathy
The meaning of life—it’s not what you think!
Discover how the Inner Coach:
- unlocks the many mysteries in our lives
- reveals a different, more fun set of rules
- can guide us safely into an unknown future instead of a known past
- Keeps us out of trouble most of the time
- Gets us out of trouble when we’ve not listened to our intuition
You reclaim your innate wisdom, inner strength and natural aliveness and make lasting life changes.
You are one of a kind, with unique talents and expressions to offer the world.
There is nothing more attractive and powerful than an authentic person living the life he or she truly desires.
Go for:
- Direct knowing
- Emotional freedom
- Boundless energy
- Radiant health
- Authentic loving
- Financial security
Change the world form the inside out!
Celebrate your Unique Vision for yourself and for the planet.
- Your personality in alignment with your soul.
- Your original magic back in your life.
- The juice and electricity that is your birthright.
- Tools for enjoying your earth journey.
Walk in Your Power
Journey back to the Heart
This is not a dress rehearsal.
It’s your real life–to do with what you desire!
Be the extraordinary human you are!
- Awaken your heart
- Reclaim your worth
- Energize your body
- Maximize your money
- Master your mind
- Dissolve your fears
- Free your shadow
- Embrace your emotions
- Celebrate your sexuality
The purpose of life is to share love.
After this workshop, you’ll be happy with your answer to:
“Have I loved well today?”