How Do You “Do” the Matrix Energetics Process?
When you “do” Matrix Energetics, you’re creating and transforming reality at the quantum level and observing the macro effects of that change. The application of this method of transformation is only limited by your imagination.
This new paradigm gives you instant access to new states of awareness that make it possible to interact with the material world and transform it. You effect change connected to past traumas, injuries and emotional patterns.
Physical and emotional conditions can be resolved with the speed of thought. You create verifiable, observable changes instantly.
What seems to be happening is that the unconsciousness and the biological physical field matrix is re-arranging itself. Utilizing Matrix Energetics enables one to engage a state, or way of being, that creates miraculous changes that can be actualized every time. The process frees us from the non-miraculous, static belief systems that have dominated our daily lives.
There are no barriers to the expression of this energy and there are no limitations for it. The limitations are in your own mind and with practice you transcend these limitations.
Matrix Energetics: a New Paradigm
According to modern physics, all reality can be described as vibrations and waveform patterns. What we generally call “matter” is actually light and information. Biological information fields form an active, constantly resonating matrix. This matrix and its interconnections provide for a continuum for rapid, coherent intercommunication throughout the body.
The vibrations and waveforms in this matrix can be changed. Anyone can collapse the current reality (such as an injury pattern or some stuck situation within the body or emotions) and introduce one of many other new possibilities that are more useful.
Physical and emotional injuries impair communication at the cellular level. The application of the Matrix Energetics field re-establishes the flow of biological information so that the body can better respond to stimuli in its internal and external environments.
Instant Change Is Possible
We are spirit living in a physical body. Through Matrix Energetics you can access a reality that is no longer limiting. Instantaneous change at the speed of light is possible.
Matrix Energetics enables us to access the lattice of information in new ways to create instant change. The old notion of needing repeated therapy, running of energy, or manipulation of muscle or bone limits the speed and depth that transformation can occur. Seeing change as something that entails a mechanical process slows down the healing process. Something that potentially can be instantaneous slows to a process that conforms to your old therapeutic expectations. Matrix Energetics creates a state by which transformation can materialize immediately.
The more you trust, the greater your energy wave, the greater your experience of transformation. You’re creating an altered state, a different reality, that you energize and give life to with your active imagination and intention. The secret is that your creative intention is the force. And it can all happen right now in the present moment!
Reliable, Measurable Results
With Matrix Energetics you can reliably experience something that appears magical, but which is also measurable. All energetic medicine, all healing, all consciousness-based techniques will work, but can you reproduce them every time? Can you get to the point where you know you had an definite effect?
With Matrix Energetics you can measure the effects. The person you worked with can measure the effects. And you can both agree that there was an outcome.
Does This Sound Exciting?
Matrix Energetics allows you to access a source of immense power that you can use to help yourself, your children and loved ones, animals, plants and any other beings.
What Happens in a Matrix Energetics Session?
Keith’s Adventure with Matrix Energetics
For transformational Matrix Energetics session: