Passion, Play & the Power of Possibility
1st Day: Passion & the Return of the Heart Dragon
Laughter, Love & the Way Home
In this session you:
Access multi-dimensional fields
Activate and align your subtle bodies
Stabilize your connection to Infinite Inner Source
Get back your power to be happy, healthy and fulfilled
Strengthen your connection to the Earth’s energy field
You clear your energetic field of unhelpful influences and forces:
Retrieve and reintegrate Lost Aspects of your Soul
Re-establish your alignment with Present Time Consciousness
Integrate the Shadow Aspect of yourself
You learn how to override:
The 2 Joy Bandits: guilt and blame
The 4 behaviors that sabotage inner and outer prosperity
The 3 major archetypal patterns that block your spiritual progress
And much, much more…
2nd Day: The Prosperity of Play
How to Connect with the Angel of Grace
On this day you:
Master new energy frequencies of transmutation
Set new intentions that will enrich your life at the deepest level
Gain the clarity and power to accomplish whatever you choose
Develop innovative skills and techniques that keep you on track
You discover:
The 4 words that will change your life
6 gateways to the deepest inner transformation
7 keys to transform your life passion into a prosperous profession
You learn how to:
Heal with Sound & Vibration
Open Star Gates to travel between dimensions
Tap into the Miraculous Pool of energy used by Jesus and Buddha
Get an immediate answer to your prayers
3rd Day: The Power of Possibility
Shapeshifting: the Ultimate Magic
Leaping into a new paradigm, you apply what you’ve learned to your personal life
You discover how to tap Morphic Fields to provide unimagined resources
You reclaim the power to:
Talk to nonphysical teachers
Initiate spontaneous healing
Travel out-of-body
Explore parallel realities
You master the Use of:
Time Travel
Stopping the World
Dialogue with the Ascended Masters
You release the Miracles inside you by:
Cleaning your Etheric Aura
Mastering Spiritual Alchemy
Unleashing your Kundalini energy
Initiating your Christ Consciousness
You go home with:
Practical 1st steps for activating miracles in your life
The ability to use your Multi-sensory Perception
Secrets of Health & Longevity