What People Say about The Dream Workshops:
I‘ll never forget the past three days or the people who came together like a beautiful family reunion. I know the potential for growth as a result of The Dream is awesome, because each person leaves as a being who is more open and more trustful, carrying a knowing that they were really seen, recognized and heard.- SM, Boston
The reality for me now is that I feel deeply moved, to a place outside of my old skin, my old self. I’ve shed layers of reactivity, to people, places, situations. But the beautiful part of all this is the grace, the magic, the sense of deep mastery that has rushed in to become the new course of things as I attend to life. – MS, San Francisco
Doing The Dream has helped me to uncover those last remaining “stuck” places, so that I can more fully experience the joy of being alive. I let my inner self, my heart, my Divinity, take me by the hand and lead me to exactly where I need to be for my life’s adventure. Life has become exciting, fulfilling, a true adventure of discovery and growth. Keith’s playfulness, as well as his ability to accept each person’s individuality without judgments, provided the space for an easy, natural unfoldment of Grace. – LC, Phoenix
I am at a whole new level within myself and those around me. When I start to worry about the future, I remember that I will always know what is best for me moment to moment by tuning into my knowing. How simple! And the love and compassion I feel for others is flowing so easily as I feel at source with myself again. – AW, San Francisco
I thought I was at The Dream to have some great wonderful experience of reconnecting with Spirit. Instead, I was there to finally stop denying the despair, pain and absolute agony of being trapped on the earth plane without connection to Spirit. I had been trying to do my spiritual trip without having to go through that. The day after I cleared those feelings, a big piece of my spirit arrived and got into my body. It slid in so easily… no effort, pain, drama, muscle spasms, hyperventilating, just a slow, smooth, gentle flow that felt warm and good and expanded me and lifted my sense of being. – M.S., Maine
The first Dream Workshop changed my life, and I set out on a path of change, never to return to my old ways of living. The funny thing is that when the behaviors behind which we hide and protect ourselves are revealed, we find that we knew the truth all the time. It just needed to be pointed out. The Dream is a safe place where the truth can be revealed, where people are in a secure enough environment to be able to really explore their veils and identities and remove them without fear of rejection or reprisal. I am a different person now, and I am beginning to know who I am. – JH, Philadelphia
I now trust I’m safe to share my truth when Heart shows up. I’ve embraced new wonderous spaces, opened forbidden doors & explored forgotten portals. My inner Self gains more power, clarity and freedom with each moment. I now “gather” everywhere I go–at home, work, the grocery, in nature, with friends, and with anyone willing to share with me coming from their Heart. I know there is absolutely nothing I can say or do, to or for anyone else. I know I can only choose for myself to maintain my special vibration at the highest level I’m able. – JM, Scottsdale
Thanks to The Dream and me, I’m finally experiencing what I’ve been searching for my whole life… peace of mind, and my reason for being here on the planet! When I’m in my knowing and my own vibration, there is no doubt, judgment, self-sabotage or negative self-talk… just an indefinable essence, a certainty of ease, goodness and only what is right for me. Watch out world! Here I come! – SS, Scottsdale
The magic is back and feels more real than the adult world I had created for myself! It’s the end of survival and the beginning of living. I know that each soul incarnated in this world is as different in expression as the stars in the heavens, and that mysteries, magic, mystics and other dimensions are not only real, but accessible to me. So, as my life unfolds easily, the desires I’ve always wanted are coming to me and blossoming in me. I’m now playing “bigger” on a “bigger playing field!” – EH, Tallahassee
I attended and provided music for Keith’s Playshops for many years. And in the years since, I’ve never run across another presenter / teacher that even comes close to Keith’s clarity, charisma, charm or creative approach to making advanced spiritual and consciousness wisdom available to all. I feel great gratitude and humbled to have had the opportunity to work and study with him. For me, his way of sharing is hands down, the best approach and the most influential and coherent ever. I would believe Keith has changed more lives for the better than anyone else I know. Endless Kudos are due to him. – AS, Tucsan