Your Heroic Journey
Open to More Love, Health & Abundance
Your Extraordinary Life Awaits You
Does your life have heart?
Does your life have soul?
“Heart and soul I fell in love with you!” as the old song goes.
Your Heroic Journey is something you could fall in love with!
Discover the Epic Journey you are actually already on this lifetime. … the extraordinary quest that lies right beneath the surface of ordinary life. … the most excellent adventure behind the scenes of everyday survival.
Be the Author of Your Adventure
- Create a more compassionate vision for your life
- Get magic back in your life
- Make money doing what you love
- Attract authentic relationships
- Open to boundless energy
You Are the Dreamer; God is the Doer
You set your intentions. You decide your goals. You infuse them with your spirit, excitement, enthusiasm and juice. Then by the Law of Attraction your dreams are fulfilled.
The glory of your destiny depends on the magnitude of your dreaming. The breadth and depth of your life adventure depends on the breadth and depth of your dreaming.
Just as we often don’t remember dreaming during the night, we also forget that we’re consciously visualizing while we’re awake. We’re always dreaming the next moment of our lives, whether we’re aware of it or not! The Universe is always mirroring back to us the quality of our dreaming.
Dream Bigger
This workshop helps you dream bigger!
We help you discard the unconscious limits and obstacles keeping you from dreaming an Epic Dream.
You’re the Author
To be a Hero or Heroine means to be an author of your own story. If you perceiving with the eyes of the Hero, you see that when you step into the fullness of your power, you can dream your world into being just as you wish it to be.
You’ll discover the true nature of your life—an epic hero’s adventure! A sojourn so much more rich and exciting than the false stories of your upbringing. A cosmic trek so much more fulfilling than the limited world of your programmed mind! A saga so much more rewarding than the struggle scenario of our culture! A sacred flight so much more empowering than the pre-packaged victim myths of society.
Your new story begins to unfold in front of you each day … a fresh, alive nurturing passage to more and more freedom and joy.
You become the actor instead of the reactor. You bring the sacred to each moment and render your experiences epic.
On the New Epic Journey, You …
- Journey back to the heart
- Awaken the courage to be yourself
- Deepen your connection with your spiritual source
- Travel your own unique path to happiness
- Find a livelihood that reflects your unique passions
It’s Your Story
To be a seer is to walk softly on the earth and dream your destiny consciously. What we see and experience is the world we’re dreaming into being. If we don’t like it, we can close our eyes, become conscious, and create something different.
Your life is your story to compose as you wish. If you no longer enjoy an aspect of your life, you can forge a new story—a Heroic Epic that is heartful instead of disheartening.
The best reason to shed your old stories is because you can never heal yourself within your old story. If you’re going to spin yarns about your life journey, you might as well make them grand, gallant ones. See yourself as a brave traveler in a challenging, yet fun universe.
None of our stories are true. They’re not our life. They’re just scripts we create to try to explain what has happened to us throughout our life.
Yet every story is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You can tell your tale in such a way that you reclaim your nobility and power. This is the Hero’s Journey.
A Sacred Voyage
From the Hero’s perspective, you see all of our life experiences as part of an Epic Journey, a majestic voyage. When you don’t perceive your journey as sacred, you become mired at the level of the ego and its complicated interpretation of life.
And the most amazing aspect of seeing your life as a Heroic Journey is that it is the truth!
We’re on a Soul Sojourn
Whether we’re aware of it or not, we are all on a soul sojourn.
At the soul level, solutions to problems that we can’t solve with the mind suddenly become evident.
At the level of our soul, we listen below the surface of conversations and hear their hidden messages. We understand illness to be the warning light that tells us that something’s going on that needs our attention. And we go beyond just treating the symptoms alone.
At this level we sense we’re all on a journey of growth and healing. Togehter making a trek back to where we were born to be in a condition of divine well-being.
If we experience a headache, we ask ourselves “what kind of healing is this headache calling me to?” We fix the headache by mending the soul and our lives. We see actions and paths that will lead us back to health and we undertake a healing journey.
The Power to Shape your Future
- Express Your Life Purpose with Ease and Joy
- Open to Alchemy, Adventure and Aliveness
- Re-awaken your natural spiritual abilities
- Create your life as a fun, joyous adventure
Transform Your Life Vibrationally
When you let your ego rule and insist that you must control events, you end up in a constant struggle against the universe. When you shift your perception to a higher level, you can transform the myriad of challenges you’re confronting in life.
You work on the level of vibration and energy changing the pattern of your inner energy field—and, therewith, the pattern of your outer life. And the closer you get to the level of Spirit or Hero, the less energy you need to effect change.
Hero Rules
At the level of Hero or Heroine, you turn your wounds into a source of power. The traumas you have experienced can actually help you find your strength, compassion and wisdom.
You accomplish this by shedding the stories of your past just as a snake sheds her skin. In the process you will cease being a victim of what happened to you and instead become empowered to write your own valiant tale of strength, beauty and healing.
For example, you become grateful for the struggle and scarcity of your parents for the lessons it taught you. When you learn the lessons of toil and lack, you no longer need those conditions in your life to teach you.
Move Up to Freedom and Joy!
The Hero knows that you have merely created characters and stories to explain what has happened to you in your life. Just yarns you have spun.
But the stories are not you! Suffering occurs when you believe the stories to be true … when you confuse your stories for reality. Freedom and joy comes when you see the truth.
We cling to our tales because we derive some benefit from them, even when they also cause us suffering. Often the benefit of clinging to our stories is because they give us a false sense of identity and safety. In actuality, our story becomes a death sentence for the Hero Within because it demands denying what doesn’t fit into its narrowly defined roles.
The Hero Sees Only Rightness
To be a Hero or Heroine means that when you look around you, you perceive only rightness. Everything you experience is a projection of your own inner landscape or dream.
You realize that nothing ever happens to you and no one ever does anything to you since you are the author of each event in your life. So you never need to fix anything in the outer world.
If you want to change some circumstance that appears to be outside of yourself, you simply need to transform yourself within.
Script a New Empowering Tale
- Call the bluff on your deepest fears
- Reclaim the passion to enjoy your life
- Move gracefully through life transitions
- Live your truth with courage and confidence
- Open to miracles, magic and grace
The Hero Within
Moving to Hero you begin to see the big picture. You understand that what you perceive as a problem in one sphere is actually an opportunity at the level above it. The loss of a job or relationship becomes an invitation to re-create yourself. While an ailment offers you an opportunity to transform your life in a radical and meaningful way.
At Hero you can prevent illness by learning the lesson that the sickness came to teach you. Going even higher in Spirit understanding, you can clear the imprints in your energy field that predispose you to this condition.
In retelling your stories, you uncover the positive, empowering legacy that you’ve been given.
Hero or victim.
Epic or mundane.
Bold or boring.
It’s your choice!
You can be your own White Knight.
You can be your own Lady Guenivere of Camelot.